Aleix Plademunt




10.000 km is a group of small projects made for the 10.000 km Film by Carlos Marqués-Marcet.
In 2011 the film director Carles Marqués-Marcet, the writter Borja Bagunyà and Aleix Plademunt worked together in Los Angeles, US. to develop part of the script and the art content of the Film.

The work is structured as a non-linear and non-hierarchical hypertext, in the vein of what academicism calls rhizoma, the form of narrative that is more and more predominant in our actual world. It is the language of the internet, but it is also expanding to all kinds of narratives in our lives. Tis work is a combination of many smaller projects that connect between themselves in many different ways, like in any hypertext, and create new meanings in these intersections. We produced 22 small-projects, using combinations of series of photographs, videos and texts, feeding off each other’s contribution in a continuous and common investigative work-in-progress.

This is a selection of work:

- Virtual space
- Hi
- Hello
- Twitterlocation